The SEA Group considers its suppliers as integral parts of the sustainability process.

When selecting its partners, SEA Group – in addition to considering the qualitative and financial aspects of suppliers and compliance with regulatory obligations (including correct payment of contributions to employees) – also considers the sustainability aspects of suppliers.

With a view to an increasingly high-quality supplier base, in 2018 the Suppliers Register, active since May 2011, was completely revised both in terms of process and the support information system. The new Register ensures a prompt updating of supplier information and a fully dematerialised and computerised process. To enable the SEA Group to benefit from a supply chain that also contributes towards the achievement of sustainable development, new assessment parameters were introduced when revising the qualification process, such as the possession of a Sustainability Report and specific references to Human Rights (e.g. equal pay; no discrimination; freedom of association and collective-bargaining contracts; child labour) in the company Code of Conduct or in the Ethics Code, a copy of which is requested. In 2018, a supplier requalification campaign was therefore launched on the basis of the following evaluation areas:

  • Environment

    Environmental management system certifications of potential suppliers are evaluated (such as ISO 14001, the EMAS registration or ISO 50001) and the use of materials with low emissions or low energy consumption and the manner for selecting its suppliers in accordance with environmental characteristics.
  • Safety

    The level of attention and the management of safety profiles through the occupational health and safety management system (if certified in accordance with Legislative Decree 81/2008, under the UNI-INAIL guidelines or the OHSAS 18001 regulation) is analysed, in addition to the presence or otherwise within the company of a Prevention and Protection Service, the presence of a Safety Officer, who analyses the individual contracts/orders, whether at least once over the last three years the INAIL rate has reduced, in addition to the number of accidents reported over the last three years.
  • Corporate social responsibility

    Supplier evaluation is based on the availability of certifications (ISO 9001) and on company initiatives to develop a socially responsible approach to the planning and management of the business, described through their Sustainability Report. Particular attention is given to the presence of company policies for the respect of human rights. In addition, particular attention is placed on the profile level regarding the organizational model as per Legislative Decree 231/2001, in addition to the adoption of an internal Conduct Code/Ethics Code by the supplier.

Selection of suppliers

The method for the selection of suppliers awarded contracts is based on the following major categories:

  • Tender contracts for core activities of values higher than EU thresholds, which are entrusted through a European public call for tenders, with tender publication or public notice of the qualification system;
  • Core activity contracts with values below EU thresholds or non-core contracts of any values, which are governed by SEA’s internal ‘Procurement Procedure’.

Regarding public tenders, candidate selection is made using several subjective qualification criteria, as well as economic, financial, technical and professional criteria, in compliance with the constraints set forth by Italian Legislative Decree No. 50/16, applicable to SEA in reference to special sectors, and in full compliance with the principles of the EU Treaty.

In relation to the “core best offer” contracts, the internal procedure provides for the application of at least five Suppliers, among those included in the Suppliers’ Register in compliance with the principle of rotation and considering their characteristics in line with specific contract to be awarded.

Regarding non-core activity contracts, the procurement procedure provides for the invitation of at least three, five or seven suppliers, from those registered in the qualified supplier list, depending on contract value (<100,000, >100,000, >1,000,000 Euros), in compliance with the rotation principle and taking into account the ability of suppliers in meeting the specific contract requirements.

Suppliers awarded with contracts, in addition to meeting various contractual qualitative and performance constraints, must satisfy SEA’s ‘Environmental and Energy Management System’ procedure.

In terms of the protection of employees in executing their contracts, the workplace safety laws are strictly enforced, with obligatory reporting of serious infractions and the application of sector labour contracts, including any supplementary contracts in force at the time or in the relevant locality where work is carried out. Compliance with regulatory contributions, ascertained during qualification, contract award and contract stipulation, are verified again during contract execution (via the so-called ‘Consolidated Document of Contributory Regularity’ - DURC).